Published on: Jun. 18, 2024
Chris Denson of the Georgia Public Policy Foundation Addresses the Chamber President’s Council

Chris Denson, Director of Policy and Research at the Georgia Public Policy Foundation, addressed the Savannah Area Chamber of Commerce President’s Council on the housing affordability crisis in Georgia. He outlined the Foundation’s Housing Affordability Initiative, focusing on the ‘Four L’s’ — Labor, Land, Lumber, and Laws — as key factors influencing costs.

Denson highlighted the decline in new building permits despite population growth, leading to a shortage of housing units. He cited data specific to the Savannah area, underscoring the urgent need for policies to increase housing supply.

The presentation also explored the impact of government regulations on housing costs, noting that they account for a substantial portion of the price of new homes. Denson concluded by calling for local solutions and collaborative efforts to address the crisis.


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