Published on: Sep. 24, 2024
Speaker Jon Burns Addresses Tort Reform, Professional Licensing at Rotary Speech

The Speaker of the Georgia House of Representatives, Jon Burns, who represents neighboring Effingham County, addressed the Rotary Club of Savannah last week, highlighting two major issues the Chamber has been following – tort and professional licensing reform.
On both issues, Speaker Burns promised the Georgia House would examine needed changes carefully and use data to ensure a balanced approach.

“As he has throughout his career, Speaker Burns approaches major concerns in a thoughtful and deliberative way,” said Chamber President & CEO Bert Brantley. “While he has his finger on the pulse of all the opportunities and challenges we have here in our region, our members can always rest assured that we have a pro-growth champion who knows our area well in one of the most important positions at the Capitol.”

Speaker Burns also credited his wife Dayle Burns with helping the Georgia House put an emphasis on early childhood literacy.“Our number one issue will be literacy. We are going to make a difference, a pledge and a promise,” Burns added.

Rotary members also heard updates on economic development. Georgia was named the #1 State to do Business for the 11th consecutive year. Burns said to keep that standing, we will have to make investments in infrastructure, health care, mental health, and education.

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