Published on: Oct. 31, 2022
Hyundai Motor Group Holds Community Celebration at Metaplant

Last week, Chamber staffers attended a community celebration of the Hyundai Motor Group at Hyundai’s Bryan County MetaPlant. The almost 3000-acre Metaplant will employ 8,100 workers and should be rolling out new electric models by 2025.

“The show of support by Executive Chairmen Cho Tae-yong, North American president Jose Munoz and the Hyundai team at the launch ceremony helped solidify Hyundai’s commitment and support of our community,” said Bill Hubbard, president and CEO of the Savannah Area Chamber of Commerce. “By making the largest investment in the state’s history, Hyundai and its suppliers will help ensure economic growth and prosperity for Georgia’s coastal region for generations to come.”

The Savannah Area Chamber of Commerce and our more than 2,200 members also stand committed to welcoming and supporting the families, workers, and suppliers that will soon call Georgia’s coastal region, home.

Chamber News
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