Published on: May. 31, 2018
Visit Savannah Attends IPW Trade Show in Denver

IPW, the largest international travel trade show in the U.S. was held recently in Denver, Colorado, and was attended by Visit Savannah’s Jeff Hewitt, senior vice president, and Mindy Shea, director of tour, travel and international sales. In just three days of pre-scheduled business appointments, more than 6,000 delegates representing domestic travel organizations, plus international and domestic buyers and media from 70+ countries, met face-to-face to discuss future travel to the U.S. During the conference Hewitt and Shea met with key international tour operators to further educate them about Savannah and its importance in the southern American experience. Feedback was overwhelmingly positive, as was the outlook for increased growth in travel to our area for this year and next.
IPW is the travel industry’s premier international marketplace and the largest generator of travel to the United States.

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