Published on: Oct. 22, 2018
VIC Holds Monthly Meeting at Chef Darin’s

Past monthly meetings for the Visitor Center staff have been held at historic homes and museums. There’s been a tour of businesses on Broughton Street and some pretty cool wheels at Savannah Classic Car Dealer and Museum. The meetings are meant to be informative and keep staff aware of what’s new and happening around the city, and sometimes they’re really fun. It may be be hard to top the group’s recent visit to Chef Darin’s Kitchen Table — Hands-On Cooking Classes and Kitchen store. If cooking’s your thing, Chef Darin Sehnert’s Kitchen Table at 2514 Abercorn is your place. The store has all manner of fancy gadgets, but the real highlight is the kitchen/classroom. One reviewer described it as: “Like walking into a food network set.”
Show-and-tell featured a real Low Country cooking lesson: shrimp and grits with red eye gravy, black eyed pea salad and buttermilk biscuits. Best of all, a yummy dinner for 30.

Thank you to Chef Darin for hosting the Visitor Center staff! Click here to check out Chef Darin’s store or to get more information on cooking classes for your group or staff.

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