Published on: Mar. 16, 2017
Savannah SCORE Offering Free Workshop on Franchise Investment

Savannah SCORE is offering a workshop for small businesses called “Taking Care of Business: Should I Invest in a Franchise?”
WHEN: 11:30 to 1:00 p.m., Wednesday, March 22

WHERE: SCORE Conference Room, 111 E. Liberty Street

WHY ATTEND: The seminar is free and will focus on helping aspiring business owners decide if they should consider investing in a franchise rather starting a business from scratch, or joining a family business. Attendees will learn about:

  • What is a franchise?
  • Key reasons to consider in buying a franchise—or not
  • What franchises are out there and which franchisers are considered best?
  • How to objectively and effectively evaluate possible franchise opportunities

For more details about the event, please click here.

To register, please click here.

ABOUT SCORE: SCORE is a national non-profit organization which, in cooperation with SBA, counsels small business owners on the basics of setting up and running a small business, all on a no-fee arrangement. Call the Savannah SCORE office at 912.652.4335 to schedule an appointment with a certified mentor regarding your specific business issue.

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