Published on: Jan. 20, 2015
Chamber Implores City and County to Cooperate on Police Merger

Since inception, the Savannah Area Chamber has supported the merger of the City of Savannah and unincorporated Chatham County police departments. Over the years, it has been apparent some necessary modifications to the merger agreement are appropriate, such as in the areas of control and costs. For the last several months, negotiations on these issues have occurred between the city and county governments. During this time, we have not been privy to the details, but have made our interest in maintaining the merger clear.
Most recent news reports and discussions between elected officials seem to point to a likely impasse in reaching an agreement.

As a result, the Chamber communicated its interests to the involved elected officials, encouraging a renewed effort to negotiate and offering mediation.

As of Friday, Jan. 16, the county has another offer in front of the city with a 30-day timetable.

We will remain available to assist and stay involved as we seek a solution all can embrace.

Click here to view a letter from Chamber President & CEO Bill Hubbard to city and county, and click here to view a letter from Mayor Edna Jackson to Chatham County Chairman Al Scott.

Chamber News
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