Published on: Feb. 23, 2015
Georgia Chamber Legislative Update – Feb. 20

Legislative CalendarThe Georgia General Assembly completed legislative day 19 of 40 Friday, Feb. 20.  They will be in session Monday through Thursday Feb. 23-26.

Action on Key Business Legislation

The General Assembly took action on the following Georgia Chamber priorities Feb. 16-20:

HB 170: Transportation Funding Act of 2015 – Action Needed Today!
Chamber Position: Support; Scorecard
The House Committee on Transportation amended and favorably reported HB 170, sponsored by Representative Jay Roberts (Ocilla). The Georgia Chamber supports this bill as it will provide nearly $1 billion in much needed funding for our state’s transportation infrastructure. Safe, efficient, multi-modal transportation is critical to the success of our economy and our communities. View a summary, FAQs and background on HB 170.

It is critical that HB 170 continue to move forward through the legislative process.  As a business community, we need to let our elected leaders know that we hope they will vote yes when the bill comes to the floor. Click here to email your legislators and let them know that you support transportation infrastructure funding.

SB 88:  Establishing Payroll Card Program
Chamber Position: Support
The Senate Insurance and Labor Committee amended and favorably reported SB 88, sponsored by Senator Burt Jones (Jackson). SB 88 would give employers another option in paying their employees by allowing companies to enroll them in a payroll debit card program. Payroll cards would give employees who may not have access to traditional bank accounts another way to receive their wages electronically. Click here to view this bill.

HB 117: Employment security; modify definition of the term most recent employer
Chamber Position: Support
The House favorably passed HB 117 by Representative Mark Hamilton (Cumming) by a vote of 159-1.   This legislation seeks to streamline and provide cost savings to the unemployment insurance system.  Provisions include extending the statute of limitations on refunds of excess payments; modernizing the unemployment application process by allowing for the electronic submission of a valid driver’s license in lieu of a physical affidavit; and opens unemployment to victims of domestic abuse. Click here to view this bill.

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