Published on: Apr. 9, 2015
Feedback Requested about Parking in Savannah

Get involved in the creation of a Parking and Mobility Strategic Plan for greater downtown Savannah in three easy ways:
1. Take the Savannah Parking Matters Survey

Tell the city what you think in this quick online survey. The questions are slightly different for residents, employees, tourists, etc., so you are encouraged to repeat the survey more than once, varying your responses as necessary to provide the level of detail required to capture your experiences. The survey should take approximately 5-8 minutes to complete.

2. Attend A Community Workshop

Join the first community parking workshop. This interactive workshop will occur in an open house format, so you may stop by at your convenience and stay as little or as long as you’d like.

Parking Matters Community Workshop
Tuesday, April 14 from 
4 – 7 p.m.

Coastal Georgia Center, 305 Fahm Street
Download Meeting Flyer

 3. Visit 

The project website,, includes additional information about the Parking Matters Strategic Plan and will be updated on a regular basis. Here you will be able to find maps, data, and information produced throughout the study. All community workshops, public presentations, and survey links will be listed here as well. You can also join the email list to receive updates throughout the project.

The creation of this plan is an initiative of the CORE MPO/Chatham County-Savannah Metropolitan Planning Commission and the City of Savannah. Questions or comments about the study may be directed to

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