Published on: Feb. 5, 2016
Savannah Ranked as Top “Wish Listed” Destination in U.S. and World

Savannah recently was ranked No. 1 in the top 10 destinations in the U.S. with the highest percentage of homes wish listed, and No. 3 in the top 10 destinations globally with the highest percentage of homes wish listed, by Airbnb, a popular community marketplace for people to list and book unique accommodations around the world. analyzed millions of guest wish lists housed on the site since the feature was launched in 2012 to generate the results. The company says that “wish lists are aspirational and indicate where a traveler would go if they had all the time and money they could want.”

According to Airbnb, “in the U.S., Savannah, Ga., is at the top of many people’s dream destinations. With its antebellum architecture and beautiful parks, Savannah is a great getaway.”

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