Published on: Mar. 18, 2016
Irish Delegation Meets with Visit Savannah Staff

Last week, Visit Savannah President Joseph Marinelli met with a delegation from Wexford County, Ireland. The Wexford County Council sent a delegation to Georgia this year to strengthen cultural and heritage linkages and to foster economic ties between the areas. The delegation was made up of the following people:
Kathleen Codd-Nolan, Vice Chair of Wexford County Council
Counselor Michael Sheehan, Chairperson New Ross Municipal District and Economic Development & Enterprise Strategic Policy Group
Tom Enright, Chief Executive Office of Wexford County Council
Tony Larkin, Director of Economic Development & Planning
Willie Keilthy, Chairman, JFK Trust
Larry Byrne, Wexford and Southeast Ireland Economic Ambassador

Click here to view more photos from the delegation’s visit.

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