Published on: May. 13, 2019
Give to The Two Hundred Club of the Coastal Empire in Memory of Sgt. Kelvin Ansari

Our community was saddened recently by the tragic news that two officers with the Savannah Police Department, Sgt. Kelvin Ansari and Officer Douglas Thomas, were fired upon in the line of duty–brave actions that took the life of Sgt. Ansari.

As we the business community mourn alongside our neighbors and friends in law enforcement, we need to do everything possible to support the fine officers who risk life and limb every day to protect and serve us all.

One way you can help the family of Sgt. Kelvin Ansari and the other brave families of first responders in our area is by supporting The 200 Club of the Coastal Empire.

Through funds raised locally, The Two Hundred Club helps to provide for the surviving spouses and dependents of law enforcement officers, firefighters and paramedics who lose their lives in the line of duty. This includes all federal, state, county and local officers, firefighters and paramedics stationed in and working out of 20 counties within the Coastal Empire.

Opportunities to support include a yearly membership or corporate gift, where 100 percent of your membership fees, donations, and sponsorships go directly to the families of our fallen first responders.

Your support provides immediate funding when families need it most and subsequently provides a fully-paid college education and associated cost to the surviving family members.

Your Chamber urges you to help us support the families that sacrifice to serve and protect us every day.

Click here to make your contribution to The 200 Club of the Coastal Empire.

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