Published on: Oct. 14, 2019
Your Community Needs Your Support for SPLOST

For the past 34 years, Chatham County has benefited from more than $1.8 billion in infrastructure and capital projects thanks to the Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax, or SPLOST.

The Chamber board feels SPLOST is a financially wise way to generate capital funds, since visitors to our community contribute upwards of 40 percent of our sales tax collections. Without SPLOST, a substantial increase in property taxes is the most likely alternative.

On November 5, voters in Chatham County will be asked to endorse a new $400 million six-year SPLOST that will allow our local governments the continued ability to address the expensive capital needs of the community.

SPLOST is a crucial financing tool utilized to improve aging infrastructure, spur economic development, and enhance the quality of life for every citizen. Chatham County and the City of Savannah‘s SPLOST project lists for 2020 and beyond are dominated by far more road, sewer, public safety and recreation projects than ever before. The project lists are often not perfect for everyone, however necessary in almost all cases.

We must, once gain, come together to ensure that the voters are aware of how important SPLOST is to this community and why they should vote to renew tihs important resource.

The Savannah Area Chamber of Commerce has agreed to support the reauthorization of SPLOST through the Chamber’s ballot question committee, Citizens for Progress. We again will conduct a marketing campaign to educate the public to encourage a successful outcome.

This campaign is now in progress with print ads, television ads, direct mail etc.

As in the past, we will need member financial support to conduct the campaign. We are closing in on $125,000 in contributions form the business community but have not reached the goal yet.

Your financial support will enable us to reach this fundraising goal and ultimately assist in continuing SPLOST for six more years. Please make a check payable to Citizens for Progress, P.O. Box 1628, Savannah, GA 31402.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Bill Hubbard or Jared Downs, the Chamber’s director of government affairs, at 912-644-6406. We thank you for your support and contribution.Click here to learn more about SPLOST projects.

Chamber News
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