Published on: Dec. 6, 2019
Consul General of Ireland Touts New Georgia Southern Wexford Campus

Recently, a delegation of Savannah representatives and thought leaders traveled to Wexford, Ireland to cut the ribbon on Georgia Southern University’s new learning center campus there. Friend to Savannah and Consul General of Ireland, Shane Stephens, spoke warmly about the joint project and reported positively on it in his monthly e-newsletter this week. In his letter to readers, Stephens described the new campus: “Georgia Southern’s learning center will renew a generations old connection between Savannah and Wexford, explored in detail in the Emigrant Support Programme funded Wexford-Savannah Axis project, led by our great friend, Howard Keeley [of Georgia Southern University]. Congratulations to all who have put a great deal of work into this initiative.”

Click here to read Stephens’ newsletter story about the project and its unveiling.

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