Published on: Dec. 14, 2015
Fixing America’s Surface Infrastructure Act Signed Into Law

Last week, President Obama signed The Fixing America’s Surface Infrastructure Act (H.R. 22), a highway and mass transit bill, into law. The Savannah Area Chamber, along with other chambers, has actively voiced support of this bill to Congress, and its passage marks a major victory for the business community and the American economy. The bill provides $305 billion over five years for highways and mass transit, giving states the certainty they need to undertake long-term projects and to begin to address the backlog of much-needed transportation and transit work. It also streamlines permits that will improve and speed up review and approval of permitting for complex development projects. In addition, the bill revives the Ex-Im Bank which will keep American jobs from being lost or moved overseas, and the bill contains financial services reforms, which are especially helpful to small business. If you have any questions, please contact Ansley Threlkeld, director of governmental affairs, at

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