Published on: Mar. 23, 2018
Chamber Legislative Update: March 26

Georgia Legislative Update:  The 40th and final legislative day is set for Thursday, March 29. Below is an update on several of the priorities laid out in the 2018 Legislative Agenda introduced by the Chamber at the annual Eggs & Issues Legislative Breakfast last November:

Specific Legislative Priorities:

  • Defend against legislative measures that would negatively impact Savannah’s business climate, appear discriminatory in nature, would harm the ability to create, attract, retain and expand jobs and investments.
    • SB 375 allows faith-based adoption agencies to use their religious beliefs as a justification to deny same-sex couples that are trying to adopt children from the state’s foster care system.
      • Passed the Senate, is currently in the House.


  • Support continued funding of the Savannah Harbor Deepening Project.
    • Included in the Governor’s Budget: $35 million in bond funds for the ongoing Savannah Harbor Deepening Project.


  • Support Georgia Southern University’s Board of Regents’ request for $2.7 million in equipment for the new Waters College of Health Professions facility on the Armstrong Campus.
    • Included in the Governor’s Budget: $2.7 million in equipment for the new Waters College of Health Professions facility on the Armstrong campus.


  • Support Georgia Southern University’s Board of Regents’ request for $49.9 million in construction funding for a new Engineering and Research facility on the Statesboro campus.
    • Included in the Governor’s Budget: $49.9 million in construction funding for a new Engineering and Research facility on the Statesboro campus

  • Support the recommendations of the Georgia Military Affairs Study Committee in an effort to retain and grow this important statewide economic development target industry, including initiatives to attract and retain military veterans through tax and education incentives that encourage veterans to reside in Georgia.
    • HB 599, Cosponsored by Rep. Bill Hitchens, provides a tax exemption for income received as retirement benefit by a member of the armed forces.
      • The bill wasn’t voted out of the House prior to Crossover Day.


  • SB 395: this bill, sponsored by Sen. Ben Watson, seeks to create a joint military commission to be appointed by the Governor, Lt. Governor, and Speaker of the House. SB 395 would be landmark legislation that would help Georgia have a cohesive state centered and funded voice for our military communities.
    • This bill has passed out of the Senate and the House, and is now on the Governor’s desk.


For more information on the Chamber’s legislative priorities, see our 2018 Legislative Agenda.

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