Published on: Mar. 2, 2018
Members Speed Network at Savannah Golf Club

Last week, more than 80 employees of member businesses joined the Chamber’s Small Business Council for a speed networking event at the historic Savannah Golf Club. At Speed Networking, each each attendee has 30 seconds to present who they are and what their company does to the other guests at their table, and then rotations will allow for everyone to hear each message. The event provides an opportunity to build connections and exchange business cards with a large group of people at one time in order to follow up later to discuss potential business or partnerships.
Speed Networking is held three times a per year. Keep an eye on your Chamber Newsletter to find about about the date and location of the next Speed Networking opportunity!

Thank you to Melissa Gratias Ph.D., productivity psychologist, and to Goodwill Industries of Southeast Georgia for sponsoring this event!

Chamber News
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