Published on: May. 13, 2024
Wilmington Chamber Explores Savannah’s Growth Model for Strategic Development

In a strategic effort to foster economic development and explore airport expansion possibilities, the Wilmington, North Carolina Chamber of Commerce recently visited Savannah. This educational venture allowed Wilmington delegates to learn from Savannah’s successes and challenges in enhancing their local economy.

During the visit, Savannah Mayor Van Johnson and Vice President of Governmental Affairs for the Savannah Chamber of Commerce, Jared Downs, shared valuable insights with the Wilmington team. Mayor Johnson highlighted the recent improvements and how community engagement and innovative governance have driven Savannah’s growth. He emphasized the city’s efforts in infrastructure enhancement and sustainable urban development.

Jared Downs discussed how Savannah has effectively dealt with the recent establishment of the Hyundai plant by creating the Joint Development Authority. This new committee is tasked with managing the impact of the plant on the local economy and ensuring sustainable growth. He detailed the city’s efforts in forming partnerships with local businesses and utilizing federal and state resources to maximize the benefits of this significant industrial development.

The Wilmington Chamber of Commerce expressed their enthusiasm for applying Savannah’s strategies to their city’s development, especially in expanding their airport to boost commerce and tourism. Feedback from this visit will be compiled and presented to the Wilmington City Council to guide future development decisions.

Chamber News
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