Published on: May. 16, 2018
Apply for Fire Fee Discounts by June 1

Have you reduced your risk of fire at your home and business? The City of Savannah offers discounts of up to 20 percent on your determined fire fee by taking steps to reduce your fire risk. Examples of these risk reduction steps include installing smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, sprinkler systems, fire extinguishers and creating an emergency plan in case of fire among other precautions. The discount is not applied automatically, so in order to have your fire fee reduced, you must apply for the discount for each of your properties by June 1. All properties are capped at a 20 percent discount.
To apply for a discount, select the link below which is most appropriate for your property.

Commercial/Industrial/Multi-Family Property

House of Worship/Non-Profit/Institutional Property

Single Family Residential Property

If you believe that an error has been made in determining your fire fee, you may submit a Petition for Redetermination. Requests for redetermination will be accepted through July 31. Once the request is received, a decision will be made within 60 days.

For more information, visit the City’s of Savannah’s Fire Fee FAQ page, or call 912-525-2810.

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