Published on: Mar. 23, 2020
Be Counted: Make Sure to Complete Your Census 2020

Even during this stressful and confusing time, it’s important to look ahead to the future, and to prepare for the time when we can return to business as usual and continue our work to repair the local economy. That’s why it’s crucial that every household complete the Census 2020 form they receive in the mail, which has been going out since March 12, and count every individual residing in that household.

The Census is a complete count of all the people in the United States, and is taken every 10 years. It has been in continuous use since 1790. Census 2020 will impact federal funding like SNAP and Medicaid, and decides how many government representatives are allowed at both the federal and state levels. The community and its infrastructure like roads, housing, and education are also impacted. For these reasons it is crucial that every person be counted.

All Census information for individuals is private and secure. Title 13 of the U.S. Constitution mandates that responses be kept protected for 72 years. Your responses cannot be used against you by any person, organization, law enforcement or the government. Some groups are harder to count such as children under five, renters, immigrants, people living in poverty and those who speak limited English, but it is essential that every single person be counted where they reside on April 1.

Be on the lookout for your Census 2020 packet in the mail. If one is not received for your household, you may receive a personal visit from a Census-taker to complete with your assistance (but not until after the CDC’s recommendation to avoid contact with others has been lifted). For more information on why the Census is important or assistance completing it, visit or the official Census website at

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