Published on: May. 9, 2016
Member Discount for Learning Series Focusing on Millennial Workforce May 19

Multi-generational workforces can present individual performance issues and challenging team dynamic. As Millennial employees (now 15 to 34 years old) take hold of the majority of the labor force, it’s more important than ever to provide a positive work environment for all employees and to revisit your strategy for grooming and retaining your future leaders.
New research is revealing how to successfully lead Millennials in ways that also appeal to GenXers and Baby Boomers. To learn about these best practices, attend the Learners and Leaders breakfast session on Thursday, May 19. The presenter will be Gabrielle Jackson, author of 5 Millennial Myths: The Handbook for Managing and Motivating Millennials, who has been featured in Huffington Post, Fast Company, Business Insider and on Bloomberg Radio.

The event will be held on the Georgia Tech Savannah campus. Breakfast and networking begin at 7:30 a.m.; the program will take place from 8-9:30 a.m.

To register and for more information, click here.

Coupon code for Chamber Members:  LS-10 (for $15 registration fee instead of $25)


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