Published on: Sep. 21, 2023
New Accessibility Field in the Extranet
We are asking all of our hospitality members to take a moment to update their member profiles with any accessibility offerings you might have available. Please select any option that applies to your business within the Member Extranet profile under Accessibility. By communicating your accessibility capabilities to prospective visitors, you can help them to plan their trips more easily and confidently.
According to the CDC, there are over 61 million people in the United States with disabilities, not including their travel companions. This represents a significant portion of the potential travel market. We urge you to communicate your business’ accessibility capabilities to Savannah’s prospective visitors. There are four main types of disabilities: mobility, vision, hearing, and cognitive/sensory. Each of these types of disabilities can present unique challenges when traveling and trip planning.
In addition to updating your membership profiles, here are some tips for communicating your accessibility capabilities within your own channels:
  • Ensure your website and other marketing materials are accessible to people with disabilities.
  • Provide clear and concise information about your accessibility features.
  • Offer multiple ways for people to contact you with questions about Accessibility.
  • Be proactive in reaching out to people with disabilities to let them know about your business and your commitment to Accessibility.
Knocking down barriers to travel for people with disabilities can provide helpful planning information to those looking to visit Savannah. According to a study by the National Center for Accessibility in Tourism, people with disabilities and their companions spend an estimated $17 billion annually on travel. This spending significantly impacts the economy, supporting jobs and businesses in communities across the country.
We urge you to take steps to communicate your accessibility capabilities to prospective visitors through our Member Extranet. By doing so, you can help to create a more inclusive and welcoming community for everyone.
If you need assistance accessing your Member Extranet, please contact Tara Reese (
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