Published on: Oct. 22, 2018
Plan Now for IRS Changes for Small Businesses

Recently, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act included a few dozen tax law changes that affect businesses; most of the changes in the new law take effect in 2018 and will affect tax returns filed in 2019.

Below are some of the resources on to help businesses better understand how the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act may affect your bottom line.

–          Tax Reform News – includes links to news releases, fact sheets and statements on the new legislation and how it affects businesses.

–          Tax Reform Provisions that Affect Businesses – brief explanations with links to more details about provisions of the new law.

–          Tax Reform Guidance – includes links to technical information about the law and how it applies to businesses.

–          Tax Reform Resources – includes links to articles, frequently asked questions, videos, publications and tax tips that employers can share with employees to help them better understand the new law.

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