Published on: Dec. 17, 2020
Savannah Spotlight: Moon River Capital, LLC

We appreciate our members and each week provide insight about member companies and their services. This week we spotlight, Moon River Capital, LLC.

Moon River Capital, LLC
Moon River Capital is a real-estate investment firm with a highly professional staff. The team at Moon River Capital works to pair private investors with owners of critical and valuable land. These pairings allow investors to choose amongst development and conservation outcomes, giving landowners the opportunity to see their goals achieved, and everyone to capitalize on the land use with the most utility rather than the most readily available option. Moon River Capital, LLC is a Savannah based company with staff in Georgia, South Carolina, and Alabama.

Our Savannah Spotlight series provides insight about local companies and their services. We appreciate members investment in the Chamber and are always looking for new ways to showcase our members and increase brand visibility within the community. For your chance to be featured, click here to apply.

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