Published on: Jun. 18, 2015
Visit Savannah Communications Team Attends Tourism Conferences

Visit Savannah staff members Erica Backus, director of public relations and Taylor Castillejo, communications associate, and Visit Tybee Director Sara Lane, attended the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Travel and Tourism Conference in Lexington, Ky., last week. The group attended sessions featuring topics that included working with travel writers, traditional media outreach, crisis communications and tourism trends for the year ahead. Several opportunities to network with other destinations and travel writers were offered at the conference.


Jeremy Harvey, Visit Savannah’s vice president of marketing and communications, attended the invitation-only TripAdvisor Global Destination Summit in Boston last week, as well. As one of 26 destinations from around the world represented, Visit Savannah met with senior members of the TripAdvisor global team including President and CEO Stephen Kaufer, Senior Vice President of Advertising Sales Robin Ingle, VP Global Display Sales Martin Verdon-Roe (both pictured) and other senior product development and research staff. TripAdvisor unveiled new research findings and features in development affecting destinations.

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