Published on: Aug. 4, 2022
Visit Savannah’s Group Tours Director Featured in an Episode of ‘Gather and Go’

Brian Jewell, a podcast host from The Group Travel Leader interviewed Visit Savannah’s Director of Group Tours, Anjuli King, for an episode of “Gather and Go.”

In this episode, King informed the audience about Savannah’s incredible culinary scene, rich history, African American heritage, and up-and-coming attractions. She also shared some insider tips on how group travel planners can score the best hotel room rates and exclusive dining opportunities.

You can hear this entire episode for free by clicking here.

Long regarded as the industry’s most trusted voice, The Group Travel Leader is published 10 times per year and is read by more than 16,000 travel buyers and industry professionals in print, and another 36,000 in its digital edition. 2019 marks its 29th year of publication.

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