Published on: May. 27, 2020
Visit Savannah’s “Rediscover Our City” Campaign to Jump-Start Local Economy Underway

Since before either the mayor or the governor issued orders to shelter in place and avoid contact outside of the home in March and April, the Visit Savannah and Visit Tybee’s communications team have been planning ahead for the time when restrictions are lifted and the first signs of recovery are apparent. Those times are now, and the ‘Rediscover Our City” marketing campaign has begun.

The first phase of the marketing campaign is directed at locals, encouraging them to “Rediscover Our City” as soon restrictions are lifted by health and government officials and individuals feel safe to do so.

The campaign will include creative spots and social media assets with bucket list items for Savannah-area residents to check-off including ideas like “say hi to old friends at favorite restaurants,” and “grab a to-go lunch to enjoy in a square.” Read more about Visit Savannah Rediscover Our City Campaign here.

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